* Hundreds of unique expressions in both languages* Common slang expressions* False cognates - expressions that look or sound the same in both languages, but actually have very different meanings.* This information can seve you a lot ebarrassment!* Very useful grammar this, covering pronunciation and spelling that people learning Spanish must overcome, and more detailed guidance than in found in most textbooks* Living in México - valuable trivia that people really need to know when spending time abroad including introductiosn, greetings and other courtesy situations, talking on the telephone, basgaining, measurements, surnames, driving tips, the Mexican attitude towards death, and much more
More than 480 pages of advanced English-Spanish and Spanish-English translation aids - exactly what a person learning either language needs to communicate with real fluency. Written by two highly experienced multi-lingual journalists from México, this book provides extremely useful language information not readily available eslewhere. Spanish-speaking people in the United States and worldwide will find it an invaluable tool for developing real proficiency in English.Americans and other English speakers in Spanish-speaking countries will find it equally helpful in their quest to master Spanish.